A sombre mood engulfed residents of Mkakawai village, Namushiya sub-location, Malava sub-county after they woke up to the shocking encounter where the body of a middle age man was found hanging from a tree inside a maize plantation.
According to neighbours, the deceased, Stephen Barasa Fita might have committed suicide. Simbline Barasa, who identified the deceased as his neighbor, he found the body hanging on a tree near the house of the deceased as he was on his way to fetch water. He added that Barasa was known to be a quiet person who didn’t any conflict with anyone and events leading to the action he took was hard to comprehend.
Confirming the incident, Chegulo location Chief, Juma Inzai asked residents to seek counselling and advise in case they are feeling depressed.
The body of the deceased will be buried tomorrow after an agreement between his family members since he committed suicide and was not killed.
In a similar incident a body of a 22 year old man was found dangling on a tree in Chongeywo village in Mt. Elgon Constituency. According to his parents, Nathan and Esther Sichangi, Samuel Juma has mental disorder and efforts to find cure for his problem has been persistent until his demise.
The deceased was a student at Kaptamai secondary school before an increase in the mental disorder thus the failure to attend school for the last one year. Residents of the area led by Noah Wokolo asked well-wishers to come handy in aiding the family organize the sendoff their beloved.
Imelda Lihavi