The Covid 19 pandemic surge is increasingly proving to be a threat in the society and because of this health experts are urging people to consume food that boosts their immunity. Foods that contain vitamin C which is said to increase white blood cells that are essential in fighting the virus. These fruits include oranges, lemon, limes, garlic, ginger, yoghurt, turmeric and green tea.

Most people drink the concoction made of lemon, turmeric ginger and hot water to reduce their chances of getting flu and as a way of boosting their immunity. The consumption has increased as people rush to boost their immunity against Covid-19 but this should not be taken to be a cure.

The craze of immunity boosting has led to a sudden demand for lemons in Kakamega, which has also seen a tripling of their price forcing buyers to dig deeper into their pockets. The few traders who have lemons now have overpriced them to making a handsome profit but leaving their customers lamenting.

Mrs. Purity Wanyama, a groceries trader at Lurambi market says she does not understand why the prices of ginger or garlic have not gone up yet both were used to make the drink required. The lemons which were going for Sh5 a piece at the market were now being sold at Sh15 with bigger sizes going for Sh25.

By Wycliffe Andabwa

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