In a groundbreaking move, the Anglican Development Services, Western (ADS-W) is set to establish a non-profit organization focused on community development in the Kakamega. The organization aims to create a resource and training center with a mission to provide education and build the capacity of local communities and stakeholders in innovative approaches to agriculture, climate change, peaceful coexistence as well as community health.
The primary goal of this initiative is to serve as a hub for research, aligning with the organization’s overarching responsibilities. The board of the organization has orchestrated a fundraising event to gather funds and resources essential for acquiring the project land in Kakamega County.
Project Phases
Phase One: Securing the Land
The initial phase concentrates on securing a minimum of five acres of land to kickstart the project, pivotal in laying the foundation for the envisioned resource and training center.
Phase Two: Project Master Plan Development
The second phase involves the formulation and execution of the comprehensive project master plan, outlining the development trajectory of the project, ensuring a strategic and effective approach to its realization.
Phase Three: Infrastructure Construction and Grand Opening
The final phase encompasses the construction of diverse infrastructures, culminating in the grand opening of the center. This multifaceted facility will not only house income-generating projects but also provide office spaces and meeting infrastructure for the organization’s staff and stakeholders.
Sustainability and Beyond
The resource and training center are designed not only to execute income-generating projects but also to serve as a cornerstone for institutional sustainability. Additionally, the facility will offer office spaces and meeting venues, fostering collaboration among staff and stakeholders.
By Edgar Kore