Since assuming office as the Women Representative for Kakamega County, Hon. Elsie Muhanda has been a force for positive change, focusing on programs that uplift the lives of women, youth, and other special interest groups across the county. Her dedication to fostering development has seen the successful implementation of various initiatives in different spheres including empowerment, education, water provision, and social welfare.
Under her leadership, the “Panda Mbegu” and “Inua Vikundi” funding programs have provided essential financial support to numerous groups within the county, bolstering their economic activities and promoting sustainability. Additionally, the “Market Umbrellas” initiative has significantly supported open-air market traders, enabling them to thrive and contribute to the local economy.
Hon. Muhanda’s commitment to water provision is evident in the successful rollout of the “60 Borehole, 60 Wards” Water Program across Kakamega County, with an ongoing effort to extend its reach to all areas in need. The provision of water tanks to public institutions has further enhanced access to clean water, ensuring the well-being of communities.
Furthermore, her education-focused programs, including the Tumaini Scholarships for needy girls, University Scholarships, Eagle Scholarships for bright and needy students, as well as technical and skills training for youth, demonstrate her dedication to empowering the youth and promoting academic excellence. The efforts to provide driving skills training to Bodaboda youth have also led to improved livelihoods and road safety awareness.
Notably, Hon. Muhanda has extended her influence to social housing, securing housing for vulnerable groups including widows, widowers, and persons living with disabilities. Over 120 households across the county have been beneficiaries of this program, experiencing improved living conditions and social support.
In addressing food security, over 400 families have received free farm inputs, including maize and fertilizer, under her administration, providing much-needed assistance to underprivileged individuals and families.

The fight against gender-based violence (GBV) and early pregnancies has been a focal point of her tenure, with the implementation of various preventive and rehabilitative measures. Hon. Muhanda’s initiatives have assisted in handling GBV cases, including rape and defilement, while also ensuring the distribution of sanitary pads in all public schools across Kakamega County, championing the rights and dignity of women and girls.
Hon. Elsie Muhanda’s leadership has not only focused on the present but also on securing a brighter future for Kakamega County. Her efforts continue to positively impact communities and individuals, fostering growth and progress across different sectors.
In an exclusive interview on 102.2 Lubao FM, Hon. Muhanda shared her vision for the future of Kakamega County, emphasizing the need for sustained efforts in community development, skills empowerment, and economic growth. She highlighted the importance of promoting a conducive environment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which play a vital role in driving local economic growth and job creation.
Furthermore, the Women Rep expressed her commitment to amplifying the voices of the youth and women in governance, ensuring their representation in decision-making processes and policy formulation. She emphasized the need for inclusive development that caters to the diverse needs of the population, acknowledging the significant contributions of women and young people to the socio-economic fabric of the county.
In addressing the pressing issue of healthcare, Hon. Muhanda outlined plans to bolster healthcare infrastructure and services, with a focus on expanding access to quality healthcare facilities and services for all residents. Her proposed health initiatives aim to reduce maternal mortality rates, improve healthcare delivery, and ensure better health outcomes for the entire community.
Hon. Muhanda also underscored her dedication to promoting environmental conservation and sustainable farming practices, recognizing the crucial role of environmental protection in safeguarding the well-being of current and future generations. She emphasized the need for proactive measures to address ecological challenges and enhance environmental resilience.
As a leader with a keen focus on education, Hon. Muhanda reaffirmed her commitment to advancing educational opportunities for the youth and enhancing the quality of education in the county. Her vision includes the establishment of additional scholarship programs and the improvement of educational infrastructure to create a conducive learning environment for students.
Looking ahead, Hon. Muhanda aims to continue fostering partnerships with stakeholders, both within and outside the county, to leverage expertise and resources for the benefit of Kakamega residents. She stressed the importance of collaboration in driving sustainable development and emphasized the need for collective action in addressing societal challenges.

Reflecting on her tenure, Hon. Muhanda expressed gratitude to the people of Kakamega County for their unwavering support, stating that their trust and belief in her leadership have been driving forces in her pursuit of positive change and development for the county.

As she continues to lead efforts aimed at improving the livelihoods of Kakamega residents, Hon. Muhanda remains firmly committed to fulfilling her mandate as the Women Representative and championing the interests of all individuals and communities within the county.

Hon. Elsie Muhanda’s steadfast commitment to driving progress and fostering inclusive development has left an indelible mark on Kakamega County, with her proactive, people-centric approach earning widespread praise and admiration. As she ambitiously pursues her vision for a more prosperous and equitable future, her legacy of transformative and impactful leadership continues to resonate across the county, offering hope and opportunity to all its residents.

By Wycliffe Andabwa
Editor, Lubao FM

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