The youths are, and will remain a significant share of Kenyans population for the foreseeable future. Developing and implementing appropriate strategies policies and programmes helps in mitigating the opportunities and empowering the youths on their up-bringing efforts from all stakeholders. Engaging the youth fully is an imperative development process that nurtures youth people in various ways eg by training, educating and general skills equipments that the economies needs.
One youth research approach to developments in young people’s lives is to look at transitions to adulthood and autonomy. For example, when growing up, young people transition to education, to employment, towards economic and financial independence, or to establishing their own family, to getting the right to vote.
Youth are the highly vulnerable group to peer influence and secular content. Behind the hard fact is a bitter fact that tomorrows church depends highly on the leadership of youths. This necessitates the need to nurture youths in the best environment that is able to boost their spiritual life.
Most youths are also reluctant to support the youth projects because they lack knowledge about projects that self benefits the youth. This is a great show that more of the youth are not guided well and are supposed to be visited frequently with the priest and leaders for the sake of creation awareness.
This year 2020, generally youth have benefited in different ways and others have suffered. Most of the youth have been affected either in a positive way or in a negative way
Like any other group, the youth group experiences mild challenges ranging from financial to social. The year 2020 with the corona has lowered the number of youth in the church. Youth are discouraged by the mild number of mistakes they have made in life. The mistakes have led to gender based violence, teenage pregnancy, depression and suicidal cases. The youth makes appeals to the clergy and the religious headed by His Lordship Rt. Rev. Bishop Joseph Obanyi Sagwe to help fight depression among youth and help reduce suicidal cases.
According to the AMREF report 2020 there is increased violence at home. 1.7 per cent of the youth respondents revealed they have been victims of violence at home and that’s why most of them are violent.
Covid-19 has also come with heightened the risk of sexual diseases for young people, For instance, during lockdown most ladies cannot access emergency pills or sanitary towels due to lack of financial support, while men reported lack of access to condoms. They are not able to visit any medical facility because of fear. This has made the youth suffer psychologically thus the condition worsen.
Most youth have been introduced into homosexuality. Thus, it becomes critically important to take account of the range of gender-linked traits and behaviors comprising a youth’s personal and externally perceived gender identity in order to make sense of his or her particular psycho-social developmental trajectory. With this in mind, certain clarifications are in order. Gender identity refers to an individual’s internalized psychological experience of being male or female, whereas gender nonconformity refers to the degree to which an individual’s appearance, behavior, interests, and subjective self-concept deviate from conventional norms for masculinity/femininity. This distinction is critically important. As youth Catholics we can’t manage conflicting between sexual and religious selves. The youth are also appealing to the clergy and religious to help and they come out of it.