The National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) has launched a second round of public participation to gather feedback on the revised National Strategy to Counter Violent Extremism (NSCVE). The initiative aims to incorporate valuable insights and perspectives from a wide range of stakeholders, including community leaders, civil society organizations, security experts, and the general public.

The NCTC’s initial consultation phase yielded significant input, which has informed the development of a draft document aimed at addressing emerging threats, incorporating good practices, and strengthening collective resilience against violent extremism. The revised strategy seeks to build on the lessons learned from the previous 2016 strategy, which has been credited with reducing cases of violent extremism in the country

The NCTC is seeking to engage with the public and its partners to present the draft document and solicit feedback. This is part of the constitutional requirement to gather public views on the review process. The revised strategy is anchored in the Constitution, Law, and Policy, and has been reorganized into working groups to mobilize local actors and deliver clear outcomes.

The strategy addresses key issues such as gender, youth, inclusion, and male mentorship, providing further clarity on violent extremism as defined by the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2012. The approach to monitoring and evaluation has also been improved by providing clear outcomes that will serve as units of measure for impact.

Ndegwa, an NCTC official, emphasized the importance of building trust between citizens and security agencies. He noted that the fight against terrorism relies on cooperation between security agencies and the public, and that it is a societal problem that requires the participation of all people. The terrorism menace is not solely a government issue, but a collective responsibility that requires joint efforts.

The NCTC held a public participation meeting in Kisumu with security teams and stakeholders from several counties in the Western region. Nyanza Regional Commissioner Zipporah Mworia urged residents to provide their views and suggestions to improve the draft strategy and help solve challenges related to violent extremism.

The revised strategy aims to make the country safer by addressing emerging threats and improving ways to deal with violent extremism. The NCTC’s efforts are crucial in building a stronger national response to counter violent extremism and promoting a safer society for all Kenyans.

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