In the midst of a large number of Grade Eight candidates transitioning to Form One this year, one particular student named Norah Ziporah, who hails from the Bukhaywa area in Isukha North ward of the Shinyalu Constituency, Kakamega County, finds herself in a state of uncertainty about who will help her fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor.
Despite the high number of candidates successfully joining secondary school this year, 13-year-old orphan Norah Ziporah, who had been attending Bukhaywa Primary School, is now left in fear and pleading for assistance from anyone, including political leaders, as her grandparents who had been supporting her have passed away.
Her dream has always been to become a doctor or a teacher, but she is concerned that without help, her dreams will be shattered.
Showing her determination for education, Norah approached the Deputy Headteacher of her former school, seeking assistance. However, her plea remains unanswered.
After losing her biological father at the tender age of five months, Norah’s mother faced hardships, forcing her to return to her birthplace in Bukhaywa, relying on her parents. Tragically, her grandparents also passed away, leaving Norah in a dire situation.
This story not only highlights the challenges faced by Norah but also sheds light on the struggles of other parents who lack the means to support their children’s transition to secondary school. They too desperately need support from the government and other stakeholders to ensure that these children receive a quality education and achieve their dreams.
It is our hope that Norah Ziporah’s plea will be heard by leaders and compassionate individuals who will come forward to assist her in pursuing her education and achieving her dream of becoming a doctor. No child should be left behind in their quest for educational accomplishments.
By Wycliffe Sajida