Students of Shamberere technical training college have demonstrated over what they term as corruption at the institution.

The students who lit bonfire within the school and broke some windows on the administration block housing the institutions main offices allege that the management has failed to effectively run the technical department and instead was only concerned about co curriculum activities.

Speaking to the press the comrades president Brian Shitanda accused the management of being corrupt where the outgoing principal Judith Akaranga, the procurement department and finance were colluding to symphony funds meant for the operations of the institution as well awarding themselves tenders within the school.

“The bursar has since been suspended after it was found out that he was receiving funds in an alternative accounts instead of the official one linked to the college,and the ongoing tender of building at the institution is linked to the principal whom they say is the main beneficiary”

The student leader also accused the management of failing to kickstsrt the driving lessons at the institution despite it purchasing one lorry and two motorbikes for the same.

It is also in our public knowledge that one of the new motorcycles has been stolen with the person in charge still walking scotfree and this was a deliberate move after it was found out that the said cycle was purchased without an inventory note and no procurement papers ,our efforts to have these matters addressed has been futile as we have been calling for the principal to come and address us severally to no avail.

We want the institution to put our interests first including practicals since we are a technical college but we have resolved to hold a peaceful demonstration to give them time to address these short- and long-term issues we are raising failure to which we will go on rampage”.

The management of the institution when conducted remained tight lipped referring us to wait until the principal is in school since they were not allowed to comment on anything.

The deputy principal administration Tom Makomere remained put alleging that the policy could not allow him to issue any external sentiments about the saga and asked the Media to report fairly.

Another source at the college which sort anonymity opened upborn the issue by saying the issues raised were genuine but actions had been taken and accused the community of fighting the management in favor of the incoming principal perceived to be one of theirs.

He called for calm as they address their grievances as soon as possible.

By Andabwa Wycliffe

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