The management of both Friends Silungai boys and girls are calling on the relevant stakeholders to come on board and construct a wall to separate the school ad curb frequent sneaking between the boys and girls.
The BOM chairman Silungai girls John Marani echoed the sentiments during the commissioning of the girls dormitory where he said the two neighbouring schools needs to be separated for the safety of both the students as frequent cases of letter exchange were being reported now and then.
Marani warned that if necessary actions were not taken in niche of time the situation could escalate into a major disaster and called on the Malava constituency development fund (NG-CDF) to come to their aid as they grapple with solving frequent cases of indiscipline being witnessed.
At the same time the Boys section principal Isaac Nakwekwe Wanjusi confirmed that indeed several cases of indiscipline has been reported and confided that there was a looming danger awaiting to happen if quick measures are not taken on time.
The Principal however said his guiding and counseling team was keen on the issue and were keeping the boys in check to ensure that they are operating within the confinement of the school.
At the same time the principals called on the parents to improve on fee payment as most were struggling to run and pay workers after the ministry delayed in remitting capitation funds.
They expressed their fears that the cost of living had skyrocketed and it was hard keeping students in school as there was no enough supply of foodstuffs due to lack of money.
Nakwekwe said he had resolved to keep the boys in school despite the crisis noting that attempts to sent them hoe top collect fess had proved futile as many parents were undergoing tough times.
We have been sending them home but you see them coming back with a face that speaks volume and we don’t even bother to ask them anything but allow them back in class and communicate with the pants to make some partial payments now and then.