Assistant chief, Maulid Wanjala of Lukume sublocation, lukume location west kabras ward, as a newly nominated sub-chief he’s taken upon himself to educate the youth indulging in drugs and betting
He says they advise the youth to partake in activities that will build them and leave activities that destroy them mentally socially and physically.
This Sunday He Works together with the area chief Malik Shanguia, to sensitize the youth on available funds, that could work as a capital in building them economically.
some used to see them and run away , more so the youth already through with form four who like playing ‘kamare’ however they soon turned to them for advice.
He adds that the loan do not have a large interest but are rather friendly to the youth. therefore, he urges those with a business plan without initial capital to apply
Otherwise, he added that working as a sub chief is not as challenging as many think as long as you work within the government mandate and guidelines. He added that he is proud to be part of the group that takes care of the country.
Laura Mmosi